“Being with Dying” training course -21st May, 2016

By 2016-05-24 Blog No Comments

“Being with Dying” training course -21st May, 2016


Roshi said there were 6 edge states (challenging conditions) for caregiver for dying people.
One of them is “burnout”.

I reminded that I got burnout once when I worked as a surgeon 24/7. At that time, I just met Tiwariji who was my Guru (yoga master) from Kivalyadhama yoga institute, India. When I attended Pranayama retreat with Tiwariji at Yoga Thailand (Samahita retreat), actually it was the second time that I met him, I talked to him about my thought. And I asked him whether I can quite to be a surgeon or not…

Tiwariji answered me in no time,
“You shouldn’t stop your medical practice. Yoga can not cure all diseases 100%. You should use your skill and knowledge which you have had. That is your duty.”
Since then, I have kept my job as a medical doctor, and also I have practiced yoga under the guidance of Tiwariji fortunately.

Now here I am.
Through yoga, I became calmer, gentler, grounded and peace inside. In a sense, yoga saved me when I was in a difficult situation. That’s why I wanted to introduce yoga in the medical field, not only for patients but especially medical practitioners.
In this training course, I learnt that compassion was essential factor for caregiver. Compassion itself can not be taught, but it is an emergent process. It exists in effortlessness. This seems like meditative state really.

However, the elements of compassion can be trained in the very systematic way. In those elements, there are a lot of similarities to yoga.
Why it is so effective? Roshi and other excellent teachers explained the mechanism scientifically and very clearly.
This is it!

That’s why I’m here!
In the silence moment, integration has been happening calmly and comfortably within myself.