Love and Ahimsa (non-violence)

By 2015-11-18 Blog, Tiwariji No Comments

“Patanjali doesn’t mention about Love.” Tiwariji often says when he explains Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.
“Instead, he tells us Ahimsa which is non-violence. Love contents violence because under the name of love, we promise a lot. And we tend to expect something good from their lovers. Then they feel cheated whenever they can’t be contented. It can be violence for the person.”

This morning, I really understand what Tiwariji mentioned about “Love and Ahimsa”.
Love often stimulates emotional and sensitive reactions. Meaningless one word can hurt someone because the person is very sensitive by “love”. Actually the “love” is conditional, but it’s very common for me unfortunately…
It’s very rare that we can let go negative feeling by love totally from our heart. We can’t let go any attachments completely. But we can have attachment without dependency as Tiwariji mentioned.
I prefer to accept the fact that surely I have attachment as loving feeling than I get eager to let go attachment from “Me”. And the acceptance makes me compassionate not only to others but myself.
Having feeling of love is wonderful. It makes life colorful. But, yes, don’t be too sensitive or afraid. And also I do not need to give up. Haha~
Ahimsa is the basic and very important concept of life.
Gratitude to the awareness…

