Tiwariji's Workshop in Japan DVDs, now on sale!

Happy announce to youビックリマーク

Chandra has started to sell "Tiwariji’s Pranayama Workshop in Japan DVDs".

This is the set of two DVDs in one package.

One is the documentary for 6-days’ workshop included Tiwariji’s special interview, students’ interviews and the scene of Fire ceremony in Chandra studio.

Not only Japanese speaker but English speaker can enjoy this DVD because of subtitles in English.

Another one contents two lectures by Tiwariji. These are non-cut lectures.

"What is Yoga?"

"What is Pranayama?"

Price is US$ 75 for one set.

Shipping carriage is needed separately.

If you want to buy this DVDs, please contact me by email.

info@yogatherapy-chandra.jp Please erase ★, then put @ instead.

Please write your name, your address, phone number and the number that you wanna buy.

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