Traditional Hatha Yoga Workshop in Tokyo!
(Date) 15th June, 2014
From Kaivalyadhama International Canada, Mr. Sudhir Tiwari will come to Japan for teaching traditional Hatha Yoga.
You can taste authentic yoga from the sincere teacher who himself practice in the traditional style without any dilution.
9:00 Door open
9:30~12:00 Asana & Pranayama, Practice & Theory
12:00~13:30 Lunch
13:30~15:00 Lecture “Traditional Hatha Yoga”
15:15~16:00 Chanting
16:00~17:30 Pranayama & Guided Meditation
18:00 Door close
(Fee) 25000 yen (27000 yen with tax)
Quota: 36 mats
Please send an email to motopikay★
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Title “One-day workshop in Tokyo”
Please write your name, address and phone number clearly.
Mr. Sudhir Tiwari is the son of Shri O.P. Tiwariji who is the director of Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in Lonavla, India and one of precious masters of traditional Hatha Yoga.
Mr. Sudhir is the founder of Kaivalyadhama International Canada.
The motto of Kaivalyadhama is “Yoga for the world”. The wonderful intention would be brought to Japanese by Mr. Sudhir in June!
Don’t miss this precious opportunity, all!
Thank you!