WS Information…Ayurvedic Vegan Bento for Dinner

By 2013-04-23 pranayama No Comments

Dinner for you音譜

From 24th until 28th,

you can order Ayruvedic Vegan bento. 

Seiko from GAIA KITCHEN is in charge of this special dinner for you!

She is a holistic dietitian. And also she has learned Ayurvedic cooking in India.

She uses organic vegetables picked from her own farm and her friends’ ones in Fukui.

If you want to order this wonderful loving bento, please email me.

The price of one bento is 1000 yen. 

Seiko will deliver them to Kawajin ryokan every evening for you. 

Please pay the charge in exchange for bento every time. 

ベルNeed order in advance!

(How to order) ラブラブ

Please email me before this WS!

Title of the email “bento”

Email address:手紙
Please erase
, then put @ instead.

Please write the date when you wanna have it clearly.

Thank youドキドキ

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