2019 チャンドラ・活動報告

Report of the activities of Yoga & Wellness Chandra for MOU with Kaivalyadhama, 2019

# Related to Yoga as therapy in Hospital 病院内でのセラピーとしてのヨーガクラス

1) Yoga for patients: every Tuesday @ Fukui Red Cross Hospital
Mainly for patients and their family members who come to OPD in hospital.
2) Yoga for Cancer survivors: Once a month @ Fukui Red Cross Hospital

Mainly for breast cancer patients who are under chemotherapy, radiotherapy and post-operative conditions. However, gradually the number of other cancer patients have been increased, so we change the name of the class from “Yoga for Breast cancer survivors” to “Yoga for cancer survivors”.

# Related to Yoga for medical practitioners 医療従事者のためのヨーガクラス

1) Yoga for nurses at palliative care department: every Tuesday for 15 minutes @Fukui Red Cross Hospital

2) Yoga for school nurses who take care of severely handicapped children in school: Three times a year @ Fukui Prefectural School for special needs children
3) Yoga for mothers who have special needs children: once a month in Nagoya (organized by the nursing home for special needs children)

# Related to Yoga for University staff members and students 大学教職員・学生対象ヨーガクラス

1) Total three classes a month from March until June @ Kinjyo Gakuin University in Nagoya

# Yoga courses for Trauma Care in Fukuishima 心のケアとしてのヨーガ(福島県)

1) From June to August (once a month): Hatha Yoga Basic course in Iwaki, Fukushima
Mainly asana practice and it’s theory.

2) From 2nd until 5th November: Pranadharana, Kriya and Pranayama course in Iwaki, Fukushima

# International Day of Yoga in Iwaki and Fukushima, Fukushima 国際ヨーガデー(福島県)

1) On 21st June: in Iwaki いわき市で開催のハタヨーガ基礎講座
2) On 22nd June: in Fukushima 福島市のヨガトコ・スタジオさんでのワークショップ
3) On 23rd June: Event “Namaste Fukushima” ナマステふくしま での実践3クラスと講演1クラス

I conducted total four classes such as traditional asana class, therapy class, pranayama class and lecture class during the event of “Namaste Fukushima” on 23rd June.

# At Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute カイヴァルヤダーマ・ヨーガ研究所でのコース・オーガナイズ

1) Pranayama workshop for Japanese with Shri O. P. Tiwariji: from 24th February until 8th March 2019
2月24日~3月8日:シュリ O. P. ティワリ師から学ぶプラーナーヤーマ・コース開催

2) Integration yoga program for chronic conditions: from 8th until 14th September 2019
This course will be held at Kdhama with the support of SRD and Naturopathy department along with the coordination by Mr. Neeraj Singh. Full booked.